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Home and Building, Volume 37 Number 6 (1975)

Boulton House

page 22

Boulton House

Architects: Pascoe Linton & Partners. Contractor: Stan Muirson Ltd. Site: Photography
Two Hill-House Apartments for Mrs B.C. Boulton

Two Hill-House Apartments for Mrs B.C. Boulton

The two hill-houses are on a 1000m2 front section on Mt. Pleasant Road, Christchurch. The site slopes down gently to the north, with views over Pegasus Bay, Christchurch, and the Southern Alps.

Brief: To provide two bedroom apartments suitable for retired couples, small courtyard areas, large garage/ hobby room, sheltered verandahs and entries, windows sufficient for view and sun, leaving plenty of wall space, and generously proportioned rooms.


The changes in level are gradual over
Both units from Mt Pleasant Rd. looking down hill

Both units from Mt Pleasant Rd. looking down hill

North end of Unit 1

North end of Unit 1

Unit 1 from Pleasant Road.

Unit 1 from Pleasant Road.

page 23the site to the full extent of boundary limitations.

The steps and stairs are limited to 1m rises with a ramped part from the garage to the back door.

The buildings are organised so that each remains private from the other, and the building profile is sufficiently low to allow sun into and views out of both.

The construction is concrete block base walls, precast — concrete slab over the garages and timber framing to the remainder with fibreglass batt and aluminium foil insulation.

The exterior walls are clad with oil-stained Redwood and the roof with concrete tiles. The windows and sliding glass doors to the verandahs have brown enamelled aluminium frames compatible with the predominance of natural timber.

The interior walls and ceilings are painted plaster board contrasted by stained timber trim. Mahogany panelling has been used in small areas such as the entry.

Both units looking up hill

Both units looking up hill

Stairs from sitting area up to the dining area.

Stairs from sitting area up to the dining area.

Entry deck into the hall

Entry deck into the hall

Looking along east side

Looking along east side

Extensive use has been made of ceramic tiles to the entry, bathroom, w.c. and laundry floors, as well as the kitchen servery, vanity and laundry bench tops. The owner, who has an interest in ceramics and pottery, helped with the installation of the tiles.

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