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Home and Building, Volume 37 Number 6 (1975)

New Light Fittings

page 32a

New Light Fittings

Illustrated left to right —60404604006040360405604066040260401

Illustrated left to right —

When Solarus light shades were released for the N.Z. market some 3 years ago their appearance was greeted with enthusiasm by retailers and consumers alike. With the recent addition of four new designs, the extended range embraces a design element that is successful in many types of interiors — both domestic and commercial.

These Solarus fittings, now holder of the Designmark, are available in bright colours which complement most colour schemes. Here is a range of economical fittings which cater for several applications — they are particularly attractive hung low over dining or coffee-tables or even in reception areas, thus avoiding glare.

Nimbus is a light manufacturer gaining increasing recognition for its one off, or custom fittings, undertaken specifically for architects and interior designers. Here is a recent release which is available as a three light (illustrated), single light or wall bracket — the metallic finish is chrome with smoke bubble glass spheres. The glasses are actually fixed in position enabling the fitting to be installed either way up. The rod moves freely to facilitate this reversible characteristic.

A Nimbus three light ceiling fitting.

A Nimbus three light ceiling fitting.