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Correspondence Relative to the Manawatu Block



Parewanui, Rangitikei,

10th September, 1866.

To Dr. Featherston and the Runanga

Father. Salutations to you and your Runanga. Do you hearken, the poles put up by Parakaia and Hau Haus as boundary marks are down upon the land that has been given over quietly by us to you (i.e.) by all the Tribes.

On the seventh of September, at the hour of ten, one of the very great men of Ngatiapa went and fetched the poles of Parakaia and Hau Haus on our land, that you now have, those poles were taken out in good order.

On that same day, at the hour of eleven, Wiremu Pukapuka met with Nepia Taratoa, Hau Haus, and European, surveying on that land. Wiremu Pukapuka took away the chain from Nepia Taratoa. Afterwards Wi Pukapuka returned the chain to Nepia and Hau Haus; the number of that Hau Hau tribe are twenty.

Had that great man Wi Mokomoko seen Nepia Taratoa and the Hau Haus, he would have taken the chain away.

Father. Do you hearken. This work of Parakaia is liberty taken of his own accord, because his tongue is a lying tongue, and his right hand is the same.

Father. Do you hearken, and your Runanga. The left hand of Parakaia is known by you and Runanga. His right hand and thoughts are in the Hau Hau. Father, send us some instructions for this letter we now send to you. That is all. Ended.

[Here follow eight signatures.]

But from all the Tribe of Ngatiapa.