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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1894.

Nos. 121 and 215.—Petition of Hoani Nahona and Others and Haana Ruta and Others

Nos. 121 and 215.—Petition of Hoani Nahona and Others and Haana Ruta and Others.

Petitioners pray that the necessary legislation may be passed to enable a rehearing to be made of the partition of the Horowhenua Block No. 6.

I am directed to report that, as Major Kemp admits he is trustee of the land mentioned in the petitions (Block No. 6, Horowhenua), but does not admit the claimants to be those properly entitled, this Committee is of opinion that legislation should be passed to allow some Native Land Court to settle who are the persons entitled to the land.

14th August, 1894.