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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940

[Letter to Salient Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940 from George Turner]

Dear Salient,

It is time some fresher expressed appreciation of Mr. Meek's article, For Freshers Only. Mr. Ewen's "dancing star" illustrates exactly the long influence of one-sided propaganda which Mr. Meek deplores. "The pernicious ravings of the capitalist press" and one might add, of the B. B. C., have so biassed his judgment that he maligns one of another view as a 'poseur', and thus shirks the responsibility of seriously considering his philosophy.

It is for us, freshers, not to nurse wrath at our injured pride, but to endeavour not to be like the average fresher described - not to think in erroneous terms, but to overhaul thoroughly the foundations of our beliefs, and to consider for a moment the possibility that opinions other than our own may be right. Many of us realise already that we must subject our fundamental ideas to an acid test before we can think intelligently. By so doing we do not necessarily arrive at any one particular, conclusion rather than another; we may confirm our faith in our previous beliefs, but either way, we cease to repeat parrot-wise the second-hand wisdom of other minds.

Mr. Meek's first six fallacies have been readily acknowledged as fallacious; the seventh has aroused controversy. Mr. Woodward points out that the existence of the soul is an open question. That is just why Mr. Meek is right in claiming that it is a fallacy to accept it as a preved fact.

In conclusion, I trust that if some freshers are students and not still schoolboys, Mr. meek's "exquisite little verbal bombs" may perform another function than to "waste paper". If they prompt some students to think originally they will have done a noble task, for only through doubt and criticism lies the path to truth.

Geo. W. Turner.