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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940

[Letter to Salient Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940 from T. F. Simpson]

Dear Salient,

Evolution and R-evolution.

The article in last Salient on Social Democracy or Lenin and Lenart is "Much Ado About Nothing", but for its references to evolution and revolution and these words: "Let us be realists. Let us not shrink from the inevitable struggle".

Any sound social system mast be both evolutionary and revolutionary, the latter being a development of the former. The intrinsic idea underlying evolution is not so much that which evolves as evolition, pertaining to the will. The beginning and end of evolution in science is wrapped up with infinite assumptions "Ever learning, yet never attaining to the Truth". Evolution is comparable to the effect produced by the Earth on its own atoms, by the rotation on its own axis. The whole outlook in life is limited by the immediate surroundings or environment. There is no proper sense of direction. The individual becomes self centred in himself, in his possessions and his pride. The same principle applies to all earth dwellers. The only light they know is the nearest light which revolves round themselves, such as the reflected light of the Moon which, gives them moonshine and a distorted vision. The corrective is the complementary revolution of the Earth, with its human spores, around the greater light, the Sun which is the cause of its being. Man must adjust himself and his need's to the pattern of the Earth in the solar system, which is evolutionary in its daily necessities but revolutionary in its onward march. The Spirit of Truth from the Sun can lift man out of his unhappy environment by the power of the will.

T. F. Simpson