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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940



"Bring out the rostrum, boys", says Three-in-one Cakefield in "Centennial Scandals".

But there's another sort of rostrum to he brought out shortly. "Rostrum", the annual literary publication of the New Zealand University Students' Association, will be published early in July. The editorial hoard is this year composed of Victoria College students.

Contributions are already rolling in, and there is evidently going to he great competition for the honour of having a contribution accepted by "Rostrum".

Write for "Rostrum" today.

And we want a woodcut design for the front cover, too.

Help us make this year's "Rostrum" a big success. For further details, see the notice-board.