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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940

Curricula Investigation. — Gossip

Curricula Investigation.


Is it true that Kate Ross and George Eiby...?

Professor McGeehan (at Capping) "The Students' Union is an all-embracing bodyy. Aw, Whui.

Sad fall, we hear that during Extray. Scotney gave up drinking firewater and took to beerwater.

And that members of John Carrad's show, having developed a taste for encores, carried them into dressing-room 13?

If Dorian in his alto
Acclaims Wellington as his Rialto,
My wouldn't he talk
About New York.

Zowie; she want to be a policewoman;

Devine cookery. Recipe - for tea - Take I 1b. butter, I tin sardines, I. jar honey, 4 chicken-soup" cubes, and I 1b: neutral sausage. Deal with as discretion suggests.

Is it true that Love and Omar don't mix?

Word comes from A. T. S. McGhie that he is engaged in organising the food production effort of the residents of the Frimley (London) borough. His spare time voluntary wartime civil defence job has to do with the control of the borough's civilian defence forces.