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Niuē-fekai (or Savage) Island and its People

The Albinōes

The Albinōes

78. There was a woman who came up from “The Lost Land,” Popo-efu was her name, of the family of Momole, who dwelt pleasantly in their country. When the first and second nights after the full round moon came, and between then and the new moon, they constantly came to the (this) island to fetch food, and returned before daylight. Often the men (tried to) seize her, because she was a fair-skinned woman, but she could not be caught, her body was so slippery. So Tu-Momole made a net, and with it stopped up the way by which

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ka e mate e matua. Ko e mena ia ne momoko lahi ai a Lei-pua. Kua tala age a Gini-fale na, “A koe! to fakakite e au e hala ke hau ai e tama.”

71. Kua hoko ke he fanauaga he tama, ko e tama tane, ti ui e laua e higoa ko Mutalau. Ne lahi e tama ti iloa e ia ko e matua fifine hana kua hau i Motu-te-fua. At ikolo ai ke liu ke he kaina he hana matua fifine.