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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 68

Secondary and Primary Schools

Secondary and Primary Schools.

1888—21. That it is desirable that more liberal provision be made to give secondary education to the more promising pupils of Elementary and Primary schools, such as, for example, giving free or assisted education to all pupils who, under the age of 12, have passed a Fifth Standard examination with credit, or who, under the age of 13, have passed a Sixth Standard examination with credit, or an equivalent Entrance Examination.

1888—22. That free education for four years at Secondary Schools should be given to some of the candidates at the scholarship examinations held by the District Boards of Education, who, failing to win scholarships, obtain at least half the total of possible marks,

1889—23 That, in the opinion of this Conference, the time has arrived when a High School training, followed by a pass at matriculation, should be required of every applicant for a position as a pupil teacher.