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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 68

"Civil Engineering

"Civil Engineering.

"Surveying—First Year—Elementary mensuration, calculation of areas of plane and curved surfaces, and contents of solids with plane and curved surfaces. Field Work—Exercises in chaining on level and hilly ground, and in setting out simple figures without any angular instruments. Second Year—Division of earth's surface by meridians and parallels. United States and New Zealand systems of survey, traversing with chain and theodolite, principles of levelling, methods of keeping field books, calculation of areas by latitude and departure, exercises in plotting surveys and map drawing. Field Work—Use of theodolite, sextant and level. Third Year—Minor triangulation, topographical surveying, Telemetry and use of plane table, river and marine surveying, exercises in drawing maps and sections. Field work—Surveying and levelling, and keeping notes of work done. Fourth Year—Geodetic survey, primary triangulations, meridional circuits, setting out Crown Lands, engineering surveys: calculation of altitudes from barometer observations, gauging of rivers, measurement of earthwork, exercises on plotting, toposrraghical and engineering surveys. Field work—Exercises in topographical and engineering surveving.

"Building Construction—First Year—Nil. Second Year—General principles in relation to materials, foundations, walls, beams, arches, floors, and roofs. Elementary architectural drawing. Third Year-Bridge construction in timber, stone and iron; iron roof construction; constructive details in carpentry, joinery and masonry; principles of constructive design. Fourth Year—Working drawing, specification, contracts, taking out quantities and preparing estimates, conduct and supervision of work.

"Principles of Civil Engineering—First year nil. Second year—General principle of laying out roads, railways, navigable canals, and channels for drainage and irrigation. Third year—Road and railway construction, methods of working steep grades. Ruck system, horizontal driving wheels and central rail, cable traction details of canal construction, river conservation and improvement, ship canals, harbour works, lighthouses. Fourth year—Arrangement of railway stations, street page 5 tramways worked by horses, steam motors or underground cables, electric railways, water supply, warming and lighting, sewerage and surface drainage, transmission of power for manufacturing purposes, telegraphs.