Title: Sir George Grey N.Z. Maori MS. 89

Author: Wiremu Marsh Te Rangikaheke

Editor: David Roy Simmons

Publication details: 1986, Auckland

Digital publication kindly authorised by: David Roy Simmons

Part of: The Moko Texts Collection

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Sir George Grey N.Z. Maori MS. 89

Payment for Tattooing

Payment for Tattooing

This is the correct way to pay because when a
man wishes to have his tattoo done on
face and body then he prepares the
payments and is ready.
Then the tohunga is sent for to do his
When the work is finished then the treasures
are given as payment. The work of
these men was highly paid.
These are the payments.
A greenstone eardrop, a hei tiki
A kaitaka cloak, a whalebone club
or greenstone club perhaps, perhaps a
hoeroa, or taiaha. A paiaka club,
a pouwhenua, a walking stick.
That's all.

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