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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

No. 39. — The Assistant Native Secretary (acting for the Chief Commissioner) to Mr. Commissioner Johnson

page 79

No. 39.
The Assistant Native Secretary (acting for the Chief Commissioner) to Mr. Commissioner Johnson.

Parua.Approving his proceedings respecting opposition to survey.Land Commissioner's Office, Auckland, May 14th, 1857.


With reference to a letter of the 7th ultimo, reporting that a chief named Haimona Te Hakiro had opposed the survey of the Parua Block, and had ordered the survey party off the ground, and that, in consequence of his disputing the sale, you had requested Mr. Sinclair to discontinue the survey.

I have the honor to inform you that the course taken by you in this case has been approved by His Excellency the Governor.

I have, &c.,

Thos. H. Smith,
Assistant Native Secretary,
For the Chief Commissioner.

J. G. Johnson, Esq., J.P.,
District Commissioner, Whangarei.