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Maori Deeds of Old Private Land Purchases in New Zealand, From the Year 1815 to 1840, with Pre-Emptive and Other Claims

Deeds—No. 95

Deeds—No. 95.

Awaroa Block,. Waiuku, Manukau District.

This Deed made the Twenty-seventh day of May in the year One thousand Eight 1844. 27 May.Manukau District.Awaroa. hundred and Forty-four Between Katapa a Native Chief of New Zealand of the one part Edward Foley. and Edward Foley of Auckland in the Territory of New Zeald. of the other part Whereas the said Katapa is justly and truly indebted to Receipt for £200. the said Edward Foley in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds (as is hereby acknowledged) And whereas the said Katapa is unable to pay the said sum and has consented to convey the piece or parcel of land hereinafter described to the said Edward Foley in liquidation of the said debt Now this Deed witnesseth that in consideration of the said Katapa being indebted to the said Edward Foley in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds as aforesaid, and in full satisfaction of the same he the said Katapa doth hereby convey and assure unto the said Edward Foley his heirs and assigns All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Territory of New Zealand aforesaid containing by estimation Five Hundred Acres, Bounded on the front or West by the Awaroa Creek and extending about half of a mile Boundaries. [500 acres.] along the same on the North by land claimed by Mr. Hamlyn on behalf of Mr. Stack and extending back about one mile and one half on the East by other land of the said Katapa and on the South by a small creek called Wie Horoiera Kihoni, With all the appurtenances thereto belonging In Witness whereof the said parties have hereunto subscribed their names.

Signed by the above named Katapa and Edward Foley in the presence of—


E. Meurant Interpreter


Archibald Scott Clerk


A True Copy of Original Deed.No. 83.P.C.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, 6th October, 1880.