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New Zealand Engineers, Middle East


page 775

This volume was produced and published by the War History Branch of the Department of Internal Affairs

Editor-in-Chief M. C. Fairbrother, cbe, dso, ed
Sub-Editor W. A. Glue
Archives Officer R. L. Kay

the author: Joseph F. Cody was educated at Sacred Heart College, Auckland, and served throughout the First World War with 1 Canterbury Battalion, in which he won the Military Medal and was later commissioned. He served in the New Zealand Temporary Staff in the Second World War. This is the third unit history he has written, the others being those of 21 Battalion and 28 (Maori) Battalion. He has also written a biography of Sir Maui Pomare.

This book was printed and bound by Coulls Somerville Wilkie Ltd., and distributed by Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd.