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The Old Whaling Days

Wednesday, 27th April

Wednesday, 27th April.

fore part calm at 4 boats returned not having seen any thing we employd the time till dark making lug sails for our boats which are needed here. started a cask of Bread in the Cabin Weighed out 12 Ounces to each man per day which is more than we have averaged since we left Home. I thought I would try them with less than a pound having as much meat as they could eat and Potatoes 3 times per Day and if they have more than they can eat they give it the Women.

Latter part cloudy overcast weather at 4 boats away after Whales employed as usual on board setting up shooks others employed occasionally assisting coopers faszening up running rigs and fitting tackles for a spare boat, the natives occasionally on board with fish Turnips and other sauce their grand trade is for tobacco a head page 435 of which with a pipe will buy fish enough to supply all hands at a meal—there appears to be 3 chiefs here and owing to the Conduct of others Preceding us I have made each of them a present—a bad rule but must be followed or their friendship lost—they are a set of great beggars and very importunate till they get what they want in fact there is no satisfying them without you comply, still they appear to be honest.